Faculty and Research Staff

Jose Such Jose Such, Head

Prof Jose Such is Professor in the Department of Informatics at King’s College London and Director of the KCL Cybersecurity Centre. His research interests are at the intersection of artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction and cybersecurity, with a strong focus on human-centred AI security, ethics, and privacy. He has been Principal Investigator for projects funded by UKRI, EPSRC, ICO, NCSC, and Google.

William Seymour William Seymour, Lecturer

Dr William Seymour is a lecturer in cybersecurity conducting research on privacy, security, and ethics for user-facing AI systems. He was previously on the EPSRC-funded Secure AI Assistants project exploring ways of explaining the privacy and security behaviours of AI assistants. Before this he was part of a project with the ICO on the future of data protection in smart homes. He recieved his DPhil in Cybersecurity from the University of Oxford.

Research Students

Aqib Rashid Aqib Rashid, PhD Student

Aqib received his master’s in Computer Science from King’s College London. He is currently doing a PhD which is exploring how we can devise defences against adversarial examples in malware machine learning models. He is exploring this problem through his various research interests at the intersection of systems security, machine learning and game theory.

Xiao Zhan Xiao Zhan, PhD Student

Xiao (Nicole) received her master's in Cybersecurity from King’s College London and is now working on her PhD topic ‘Privacy Norms and Trust for AI Assistants’. Her research interests are at the intersection of normative reasoning, cybersecurity and human-computer interactions.

Hana Kopecka Hana Kopecka, PhD Student

Hana is interested in the intersection of artificial intelligence and sociology. Her PhD is focused on the interaction between AI systems and users. In particular, she is interested in exploring how different communities interact with AI systems and how could this inform the design of more understandable AI explanations.

Vahid Ghafouri Vahid Ghafouri, PhD Student

Vahid is a Ph.D. student in Telematics at IMDEA Networks Institute (+UC3M). His main area of research involves the application of NLP on social network data for measuring online polarization and radicalization.

Eman Alhelali
Joseph Yashar Shams

Previous Research Associates

Tom van Nuenen Dr Tom van Nuenen
Xavier Ferrer Aran Dr Xavier Ferrer-Aran
Dr Stefan Sarkadi
Mary K. Bispham Dr Mary Bispham
Dr Ashwini Kumar

Alumni (graduated PhD students)

Noura Abdi Dr Noura Abdi
Jide Edu Dr Jide Edu
Francesca Mosca Dr Francesca Mosca
Dr Kopo Ramokapane
Dr Gaurav Misra
Dr Ricard López Fogués
